New website, fresh branding, Spring is in the air!

Exciting times! We’re delighted to finally share with you our new branding and website. Drumroll please for…

Handmade Productions CIC

And introducing our new sub-brands:

Why the new name? We’re best known locally for the Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade, but parading is only one of the MANY art forms we work with, both across the UK and internationally. We thought it was about time that our name reflected this.

The past few years have been challenging for our sector, there’s been a lot of pivoting and rethinking as we’ve gradually moved out of pandemic crisis mode. As ever, we’ve stayed positive and used this moment to reflect on our core values. The whole team has pulled together and we wanted our branding to reflect our creative and collaborative approach.

It was an easy decision to ask our old friend Chris Sands to help us refine our ideas and work his brand-design magic. Chris knows us well as a former board member, he very quickly helped us to see that all of us could contribute to a suite of colourful cut-out images. One doodling session (and many months of website tinkering!) later, we’re ready to show the world.

We’d highly recommend working with both Chris and our website wrangling saviour Simon Waldren. Simon hadn’t met us before, but very quickly became an invaluable member of the team and has the patience of a saint. Chris and Simon work together on the highly successful Totally Locally movement, we’re big fans of this and suggest you check it out.

Huge thanks to both, none of this lovely shiny new start would have been possible without them! 

The Handmade team have also put their creative hats on to come up with a set of fun icons to use in our new brand too.

We hope you like our fresh look, it would be lovely to hear your feedback.